This blog is about our 16 year old son Tyson. Tyson was born with serious complex congenital heart defects, (Hypoplastic Right Ventricle, Tricuspid Atresia, Coarctation of Aorta, Transposed Great Arteries, with VSD and ASD.) In short, the right side of his heart is completely under-developed (he has half a heart,) his main arteries are mixed up, and his aorta is narrow. He has undergone 3 open-heart surgeries and 5 heart catheterization procedures to try to 'repair' his heart. Tyson also has severe narrowing in his pulmonary veins which is causing higher venous pressures. He's still doing AMAZINGLY well all things considered. We entrust our dear son into the hands of God, knowing that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him!


"I will exalt you, my God the King;
I will praise Your Name forever and ever.
Every day I will praise You
and extol Your Name forever and ever.
Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise;
His greatness no one can fathom."
Psalm 145: 1-3
Praise God we are home! Tyson was released from Sick Kids hospital on Sunday afternoon. He was not officially off O2 for 24 hours but since he was on such a small amount overnight, they decided to let him go home. He will still be taking antibiotics for a few days to help fight the infection, and we'll have to keep up with the ventolin and flovent to treat his reactive airways (asthma). The swab tests came back negative, which tests for the most common big bugs like RSV and certain types of pneumonia. The doctors figure it was some sort of respiratory tract infection in the broad pneumonia spectrum. Either way, he's home! He slept like a trooper last night, from 8 pm till 9:30 am! He hasn't slept like that in a long time, so we're glad to have our happy baby back again. His colour has much improved, and his lips are pink again instead of blue.
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. Thanks also to those of you who helped out with our other kids in any way, the communion of saints is a beautiful thing!

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