This blog is about our 16 year old son Tyson. Tyson was born with serious complex congenital heart defects, (Hypoplastic Right Ventricle, Tricuspid Atresia, Coarctation of Aorta, Transposed Great Arteries, with VSD and ASD.) In short, the right side of his heart is completely under-developed (he has half a heart,) his main arteries are mixed up, and his aorta is narrow. He has undergone 3 open-heart surgeries and 5 heart catheterization procedures to try to 'repair' his heart. Tyson also has severe narrowing in his pulmonary veins which is causing higher venous pressures. He's still doing AMAZINGLY well all things considered. We entrust our dear son into the hands of God, knowing that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him!

Norwood Surgery - Thursday, December 4, 2008

"For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth, Your eyes saw my unformed body.All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be."Psalm 139:13-16

Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Tyson went into surgery this morning at 8 am and shortly before 2:30 pm, the surgeon came out to tell us that things went as planned. "Everything that we expected to be there was there, and everything we hoped to accomplish we accomplished." Once he was transferred to ICU and everything was all hooked up again, we were able to go see him at about 4:30 pm.

Brian's parents were there with us for the day and were able to keep our mind off things for the most part, without changing the seriousness of the situation. It wasn't until about 1 pm that we started to get a little anxious, but overall the waiting time was manageable and it was a positive day. We are both pretty drained right now which is why we have to keep this short.

Tyson is hooked up to the ventilator still because they do not want him breathing on his own right now. He has to spend all his energy recuperating from the major surgery before he can start working on breathing again. He is on various IVs, tubes, and drains (about 20 in all, 7 of which go straight to his heart). He is also on muscle relaxers to keep him sedated and sleeping soundly so that he doesn't burn too much energy. He is also on morphine so that he can't feel any pain at this time.

Brian and I are pleased with the outcome and we thank God that He has spared Tyson during his surgery. It is still a long road ahead, and the first 24 hours of recuperating are VERY important. We entrust Tyson to God's care and pray that he will make a good recovery.

Thank you all for your prayers and support.

Love Brian, Mel and Tyson

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey nice job on your blog Mel!