This blog is about our 16 year old son Tyson. Tyson was born with serious complex congenital heart defects, (Hypoplastic Right Ventricle, Tricuspid Atresia, Coarctation of Aorta, Transposed Great Arteries, with VSD and ASD.) In short, the right side of his heart is completely under-developed (he has half a heart,) his main arteries are mixed up, and his aorta is narrow. He has undergone 3 open-heart surgeries and 5 heart catheterization procedures to try to 'repair' his heart. Tyson also has severe narrowing in his pulmonary veins which is causing higher venous pressures. He's still doing AMAZINGLY well all things considered. We entrust our dear son into the hands of God, knowing that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him!

Pictures as Promised

 Pictures from Tyson's 4th Birthday Party...

Teagan, Jesse in back, Alex, Levi, Timmy, and Tyson enjoying some cupcakes.

Presents time!  A SpiderMan puzzle from Alex.
Teagan and Tyson trying to read the card...

Opening presents from Grandpa and Grandma Spanninga

SpiderMan was definitely a dominant theme!

Opening gifts from Grandpa and Grandma Kottelenberg, but posing for a web-slinging picture first!
Miss Addisyn Faith was grumpy, so Grandpa Spanninga keeps her calm by whispering soft, sweet words in her ear.  I don't know what he told her, but she was listening very intently.

 Our Visit to Sick Kids on Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Tyson playing video games with Daddy as he awaits his ECHO

For the first time, it was Brian's turn to lay with Tyson during his ECHO while I got to visit with some 4D friends.
Tyson was not very happy that I was leaving him.  He was pretty uncertain of what was happening that day.  I think it might have been because usually my Mom comes along to the ECHO appts, and Brian comes along when Tyson needs "work" done (pre-op, surgeries, or heart caths.) I think Tyson didn't trust the situation because Brian came along this time.  He was very cautious all day long.  He's usually pretty chipper and happy with his Sick Kids friends.

Getting checked out by Cardiac Nurse Stephanie, who he's normally very comfortable with.  You can see by his face that he was protesting her exam.
It wouldn't be a Sick Kids trip without a visit to Mickey Mouse.  I'll never forget when we were talking to Tyson about his wish from the Make A Wish Foundation...When we asked him if he knew where Mickey Mouse lived, he said, "Yeah, at Sick Kids."  (Like duh, Mom.  I see him there all the time!)  We're so excited that in February, he'll get to see where Mickey Mouse really lives!!!!
Miss Addisyn Faith being cheeky as ever! 

Tyson had to have some unexpected bloodwork done.  The DVD player was a huge distraction.